How do you place an order?
It’s pretty easy! :-) Just click on the basket icon ‘ADD TO CART’ on the product you want. This way this item would go to your shopping cart. On the right corner of the webshop, you can find your shopping cart with the items you have selected. It is a dropdown menu - click on the ‘CHECKOUT’ to place an order.
Whether you have registered in advance or not, in the following steps you can check the content of your shopping cart, the shipping price and you can choose the payment method and you can also verify your coupon code.
As a matter of fact you have not give any address details or datas for the billing - you have to give these in advance.
After these steps, all you have to do to send your order to us is just clicking on the ‘ORDER’ button. We will process it in the following days and your order will be shipped to You pretty soon. Thank you for choosing us. :-)